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Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Jewish people and its holiest city. Jewish history in Jerusalem goes

back more than 3,000 years. In 1967 Jerusalem was liberated from an illegal Jordanian military occupation since 1948.

Today: Jerusalem has emerged as a major spiritual, tourist, political and economic powerhouse. Israeli democracy

ensures that a united Jerusalem guarantees freedom of religion and access to holy sites, freedom of movement and

expression to all religions and sections of society.


There are forces that wish to destroy this delicate balance and challenge Israel’s presence, sovereignty,

governance and democratic institutions through the consistent spreading of false narratives, subversion,

undermining, violence and terrorism.

Jerusalem Center for Applied Policy studies these trends and activities and reports them in real time, in research

and policy recommendations and works toward the implementation and monitoring of policy initiatives.


JCAP works to secure Jerusalem’s future as a free, vibrant and flourishing capital of the Jewish state. It is the

only pro-Israel initiative that provides an all-inclusive cross functional policy generator for Jerusalem.


• Actionable research and education on the dangers of dividing Jerusalem

and other existential challenges to Jerusalem.

• Finalize pro-active solutions and policies to secure and sustain a united

Jerusalem under a solid Jewish majority.

• Prepare a PR, advocacy and educational campaign to promote policy

recommendations for Jerusalem and their implementation.

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